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Harlem/Bronx/Yonkers, NY, United States
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What's on my mind?

What's on my mind?

Thursday, December 31, 2009


I am sure most would agree with me when I say :what a year, what a year, what a year!

So many ups and downs.. I'm a big fan of coasters but shoot, my emotional ride outweighed every known coaster to man. Yet, I am constantly grateful for my life and most of the people included in it.

2010. What will it bring for Nicole Annette Tatum?

*she will learn to do things that will make her happy. yes she will be aware of other ppl's feelings but finally, she has to not hold herself responsible for those feelings and work on her happiness

*traveling. a spa. a weekend thing. something. new faces. new places. Cali, Vegas and JA trips are forming.

*going to places alone. movies. comedy or jazz clubs or lounges. it's going to be scary but how else will i know what's out there, what experiences are like because i'm afraid or embarassed about being out alone?

*healthy choices. PLANET FITNESS and WII. Less red meat, more grains, raw fruits and veggies. Baking, broiling, steaming...I am typing and eating this Lil Debbie Fudge Round. Listen- when it comes to chocolate, there are no limits!!

*finding more common ground with her son outside of DJ Hero, Family Guy, The Office or 30 Rock.

*work on spirit/soul. church perhaps. i'm still on the fence on that.

*a different hair texture and style. i'm in the process of going natural.

Whatever you do, please see a positive and healthy 2010..

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